Brian in the Kitchen


Brian in the Kitchen Recipes


BRIAN IN THE KITCHEN  brought to you by Stittsworth Meats

December 3 2013

Cold and Flu - Tea

Lemon juice

Fill up your teakettle and get it boiling.
Meanwhile, grate a one-inch piece of fresh ginger root.  Get a thermos out. I have a quart thermos I use.
Put the ginger in the thermos.  Put a dash of lemon juice in the thermos. A dash is about 4 tablespoons. Actually, it's less of a dash and more of a small splash. :)

Add a dash of honey as well. A dash in this case is about three tablespoons. Hey, a dash means something different to all of us. Basically, add the honey to taste.
When your water is boiled, pour it in the thermos.
Cover it up and let it sit for 20 minutes.
Strain into a tea cup and enjoy!